Mikey Pendergast
Whisk(e)y Ambassador
Michael “Mikey” Pendergast joins us after an 8-year stint distilling, blending, and representing a variety of spirits produced in the east end of London. With over 20 years of experience in the bar world, Mikey loves nothing more than waxing lyrical about all things fermented and distilled.
With a few cocktail competitions under his belt (Rebel Yell Battle of the Bourbon 2019, and our own Nikka Perfect Serve 2019) he is as comfortable behind the bar slinging out Toronto’s as he is in front of one drinking them.
If he’s not excitedly chatting away about amino acid content and vanillin’s you can find Mikey getting pretentious about Oolong teas or enjoying some R&R with his buddy Rev or trying to teach Tony how to play video games.