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Los Siete Misterios Espadin Cuishe

70CL - 44% ABV

Los Siete Misterios Cuishe Ensamble is a copper pot blend of espadin and cuishe agave. Cuishe is a variety of Agave kawinskii, a diverse species of agave that grow tall and resemble trees. Unlike most agave, the leaves (pencas) of which grow outwards from a central heart or pina rooted on the ground, Agave kawinskii develop as a long vertical stem or trunk with the sugar concentrated near the top where the pencas remain green and spikey. Cuishe contributes woody and sweet herbal flavours, and whilst it can be a little astringent on its own, it is beautifully balanced in this mezcal by the espadin.


Made With

Los Siete Misterios Espadin Cuishe